CBA Culture and Arts Center is dedicated to the development of traditional Chinese arts in the spirit of exchange and dialogue with other cultures in the world. Drawing on a membership of top-notched professionals from China, East & South Asia, Europe, and America. The Center is Possibly one of the strongest well-rounded Chinese folk flavors cultural organizations in the United States, with an impressive record of major appearances featuring a diversity of art forms all over the United States, at the same time, as the Center seeks to preserve Chinese folk flavors, its program continues to develop fresh ideas and techniques as artists come in contact with other traditions in the eclectic art scenes of the west. The center has successfully trained many talented students and musicians. With your support and help, CBA will continue to improve them as always, and they will bring you more high quality music.
寶安文化藝術中心(CBA)係美國政府註冊批准的一個非盈利文化藝術交流機構。 由著名民族樂器演奏家(美籍)曹寶安先生於一九九九年春季創辦, 是一個綜合民族樂器,民族舞蹈,戲曲,雜技,魔術,功夫,木偶等為一體的群星燦爛的藝術家團體。
該團以弘揚中國民族文化為主任, 以促進世界文化藝術交流為宗旨。薈萃了眾多一流美藝術家作為基本團員, 并邀請不同族裔的演員, 演奏家合作表演。他們多數來自中國,東南亞,歐美地區贏得崇高聲譽而卓有成效的傑出藝術人才, 是當前最有實力最有影響的表演團之一, 也是全美唯一的一個綜合性的“中國民間藝術表演團”。 即能舉辦大型文藝慶典活動, 又能承辦各類不同形式的中小型文藝晚會。 他們巡迴表演於全美校園,社區,文化中心,國家音樂廳,大劇院及各州舉辦的藝術節活動。 可謂陣容強大,行當齊全,曲劇目豐富。 所到之處無不引起反響。 其表演形式及作品充分體現出濃郁的民族風格和時代氣息,皆能以表演水平不斷提高,創新,突破及表演形式之多樣化。多年來該團積累了豐富寶貴的經驗 結交了眾多的知名藝術家, 互相學習取長補短, 同時,便培養出數多名藝術人才及文藝愛好者。演員們一向對藝術執著追求, 試圖發展創作。許以真摯, 精湛的表演與觀眾分享。 希望各界人士能給予支持和鼓勵。 在各界的關懷指導下, 他們將不斷地完善自己,提高水平, 為促進世界文化藝術交流做出應有的貢獻。